Thursday, February 22, 2007

Fellers and idiots...

A very cute and very British man arrived at my door today. But instead of getting all worked up about the UPS guy, let's see what he brought!!!!

Time for reinforcements. My professional present openers. And yes, they will open your presents for you as well. Of course this is fastman with the huge red cast. "Mommy! Your favorite! Yarn!"

Next we see zombie eyed strongman. Fighting off the flu and a fever. With a book I've been dying to read. Thank you SP!

This is the entire amazing loot. A subscription to Vegetarian Times. Um, how did my SP know I let my subscription lapse? The Tenth Circle. Some anti-bacterial handsoap (presumably to keep away the flu germies!). Trekking XXL. An adorable little notebook purse. A purple argyle (!!!) journal. And a chibi. Oh wait. The idiot part of my title. Hanging off the book is a gorgeous handmade bookmark that I couldn't get a pic of because it's dark and the flash reflected off of it. I thought it was a necklace. And spent 15 minutes trying to figure it out. Then I read the note. So glad you referenced the bookmark. Otherwise... well the idiot would still be chasing her tail.

Trekking up close and personal....

The bigman had his own idiot moment last week. After making a big deal about V-day and after I bought him stuff, I got only stuff from the boys. But look... pretty peach roses last night!

And then we have fellers. As in fellers cakes. Cakes that no woman can aid in the creation of. For the Cub Scout blue & gold banquet. Bigman & fastman made this beach scene complete with fruit rollup surfboards. (Everything has to be edible!)

Bigman and strongman made these tiki heads carved out of poundcake, iced and flocked with graham cracker crumbs. They won judges choice.

This weekend it's off to the Northeast Florida Highland Games. That is, if strongman gets better. Otherwise just bigman (dh) and fastman will go. Send healing vibes our way!


Batty said...

Nice package!

I'm staring at the cake pictures. It's hard not to drool.

Unknown said...

I am so glad you liked everything!
I hope you had a great weekend.