Friday, July 29, 2005

And the beat goes on...

Tivoli is coming along. If slowly. I won't get much of a chance to work on her today. Today is Friday. Normally that means Friday Fun Day. But not today. Today is Friday run all over town to get school clothes for the boys and all of the supplies they need and hope you have enough leftover to pay the rent day. That's what today is. Um, yep.

I can't believe I will have two boys in school. Two boys. They are getting so durned big. So big, so fast.

I need to print out the supply lists and figure out exactly what I need to buy for them. Shoes, shorts, nice polo type shirts. *sigh* I'm not buying any jeans today. Nope, not, never. Last year I bought Big J's jeans at the end of July. And by the time January rolled around, none of his jeans fit him. Their legs do this whole thing where they grow three inches overnight. Gives a whole new meaning to growing pains. The good news is the boys won't need jeans for at least a couple of months. We are talking about Florida here. I'll wait and buy jeans around the first of October.

So yep, no fun knitting day for me.

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